Speaker Guidelines

Oral Presentation

PowerPoint Preparation

All speaker presentations must be in Microsoft PowerPoint. It is the speaker’s responsibility to provide the presentation in this format.
Use only standard Windows system fonts in your presentation; non-standard fonts may not display correctly on our presentation computers.
We recommend Book Antiqua whenever possible. We also recommend that you test the display of your presentation on different computers prior to submission.

Be sure your on-screen text is large enough for the audience to read from a distance. Also, be aware that dark text is much easier to read on light backgrounds than on dark backgrounds. Attendees have commented that slides with dark backgrounds are very difficult to read from a distance.

Speakers are not requested to send the presentation in advance but are requested to take along with them their presentation and to deliver it to the technical console in the congress room at least 30 minutes prior their presentation is scheduled. PC at the technical console will be network connected with the presentation laptop. This will prevent interruptions and will make all sessions go as smoothly as possible with no distractions between presenters. For the same reason the use of one’s personal laptop is strongly discouraged. The screen format is 16:9.

For Mac users: Power Point slides are normally compatible. If you use “Keynote” please take care that the file is converted in PDF.


If your presentation contains videos, please link to the video files rather than embedding them if possible. Windows Media (.wmv) is the recommended video file format when possible.


Excess commercialism in your presentation will result in poor evaluations from attendees reflecting negatively on you, your company and your products. We encourage company logo / affiliation information for the first and last slides only. Excessive commercialism can result in the removal of the presentation from the conference agenda.

Time Management

12 minutes are allocated for oral presentation, 3 minutes for discussion.

Staying within your allotted time is critical. The number of slides should be consistent with a presentation of this length.

Poster Presentation

Posters Boards sizes are 70 cm. (width) x 100 cm. (height).
Please print your Poster within these sizes. Posters should be printed at the Authors own care and should be brought already printed at the congress venue.

Authors are invited to display their posters from h. 10.00 of March 27 and to remove them within March 28 at h. 14.00.
Posters will be discussed on March 27 from 18.00 to 19.00 on the occasion of a Cocktail Reception.
Authors are requested to be present by their poster during the Welcome Cocktail to answer questions from the audience.

Proceedings – Right to Use Form

In order to benefit of the Publication of the Paper in the Open Access Zenodo Platform after the congress, each Submitter is requested to fill in and sign a right to use form and to forward it to MCM Eventi e Congressi office within March 10. MCM Eventi e Congressi and the Scientific Secretariat do not request copyright ownership of your materials, only permission to publish as part of the conference proceedings.

If further information is needed please contact the Organizing Secretariat MCM Eventi e Congressi:
+39 081 7611085 – email: mcm@mcmcongressi.it

Special requests or questions

Should you have special AV equipment needs or questions please write to mcm@mcmcongressi.it.